In Conversation with Jiordy

Written by Maia Thomas

Jiordy is a 25 year old up and coming artist based in Melbourne, Australia known for her intimate and dreamy pop elements throughout her work. The past year has been a busy one for Jiordy, bringing the passion for music onto a larger platform and releasing her debut single, “UR Dumb” along with her more recent song, “Hmmm”. The singer/songwriter has cultivated a glimpse into her little world, captivating a continuously growing audience with a unique sound and strong sense of relatability.

What got you into music? Were you always drawn to music or did you grow into it as you got older?

My mum was a total rock chick back when live gigs were happening on every corner in Melbourne. I was young but I thought she was so unbelievably cool. When I got into my double digits I started asking if Dad could take me for at least the first set. I remember the security guards always letting me in to see Mum before Dad took me back home to meet curfew. I knew I wanted to do what she did before I got my pen license. I loved watching her up on stage with her slightly teased hair and the classic black eyeliner. She was and absolutely still is my muse.

What project / songs have you put out before and what does it mean to you?

My first release as Jiordy, UR Dumb, was put out into the world on April 23. Previous to the debut introduction I had spent over a year cooped up in a bedroom studio ambitiously writing music. I was so dedicated to making sure all my extra time was invested in developing my sound and figuring out who I really wanted to be as an artist.

I was in a job I didn’t like in rural Queensland a little under two years ago now and I was actually really depressed – although it was challenging, it was during that time that I decided I wanted nothing more but to devote my energy into the universal language. I quit my job, came back to Melbourne and started writing. I don’t know how to explain it but I just knew it was my time. UR Dumb meant a whole lot to me, it was the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another.
What’s the background behind your newest single? What’s the meaning behind the title and what is it about?

“Hmmm” is an ode to my introspective mind. I internalize a lot and avoid confrontation. Sometimes that obviously isn’t the best way to go in relationships and has absolutely gotten the better of me in the past. "Hmmm" is a bitter-sweet tale about pushing the people you love further away, loving so hard that you eventually turn the relationship to shit. It’s gentle and fragile but has a lot of passion and drive.

What are your future goals / aspirations?

My main focus at the moment is to push a few more singles out so that I can absolutely do some live shows as soon as possible. I want to grow with every release and do things organically. I’m completely independent so I’m still learning how to be my own best cheerleader and to try and accomplish things that people who have teams behind them do. I just want to enjoy the ride.

You can find Jiordy on Instagram along with her two singles out now on various streaming platforms.

Jiordy's newest single "Hmmm"

Jiordy on spotify


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